"Have few things,
but have things that
make you smile."
More than an architect or a designer, João Faria is a creator of concepts, products, furniture, spaces, buildings, and interiors.
A facilitator between the best of two worlds, sometimes so different, as modern technology and ancient traditions are.
He defines himself as a Furniture Stylist, and he is constantly pushing the boundaries to their limits.

João Faria / architect

Crafted by and for real people
João Faria is very passionate about his work. Every time he has an idea, he gives it a name and a number and explores it until its last consequences.
If it’s original, he will find a way to make it. Otherwise, he forgets it.
Beyond their function, he believes that his objects must arise for their originality, edginess, high quality, and outstanding care of detail.
He makes exclusive furniture with the best materials that he can find and excellent techniques.
For him, that’s luxury. Unique objects that provide pleasure and happiness to their owners.
Just like art. Superfluous.
The work of João Faria is an inspiring process where every Emotional Object has a meaningful story.
Objects made to last for generations, the distinction between functional and fine art is not easy to find in his work.
But, most important, he only makes pieces that he would want for himself.
Also, he makes his own prototypes and tests his ideas like a sculptor.
After trying one or several solutions, it’s time to choose the best artisans to make it feasible.
The number of pieces it’s always small, mainly limited series and one-off objects, custom made to each future owner.
In Portugal, we are fortunate to work with master artisans who turn the impossible into the possible. In most cases, they belong to the second or third generation of family members, who spent all their lives learning and mastering their art.
Proud artisans, treated with respect, who make our objects possible, combining high-tech technology with premium materials and Portuguese tradition.
This is the way of creating unique and exclusive furniture, almost art pieces.
Perfectly imperfect. Handmade.
Since the beginning, less than 10 years ago, they already won several international design awards.
In November 2018, Harper’s Bazaar Interior Awards nominated EMOTIONAL OBJECTS as “Best Brand Innovation 2018”.

Some publications and magazines that highlighted Emotional Objects over the years.

Some publications and magazines that highlighted Emotional Objects over the years.

Some publications and magazines that highlighted Emotional Objects over the years.

Some publications and magazines that highlighted Emotional Objects over the years.